Sunday, 21 September 2014

Bumps, glorious bumps!

Pregnancy is a funny old time...

There's all the excitment, a new life, the first kicks, the first time the baby gets hiccups in your tummy... the first scan...finding out if you're having a boy or a girl, or keeping it a surprise (like we did!)... There is also all the side effects no one seems to warn you about, forget morning sickness (which by the way is not just in the mornings!) you may have heart burn, pelvic pain, swollen ankles, hands and fingers, you could also suffer with constipation, you can't sleep as it's hard to get comfy, your bed becomes the kingdom of pillows... and of course there's always the getting the size of a house... by week 30 you can't believe how big you are... and yet you do get bigger!!!

But  nothing matters the moment you have your little one in your arms... every single annoying thing about being pregnant suddenly doesnt matter.

As someone once said "Being pregnant is the best ever reason to feel like rubbish" and although I am convinced that "glow" people talked about completely bypassed me I now regret not getting pro photos done of me and my bump. If we ever have another child, it just won't be the same.. it won't be all new...

Anyway, here are some of my favourite photos from maternity sessions I have taken...

If you  fancy getting some lovely maternity photos please get in touch!

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